School Day / Term Dates

Term Dates - 2023/2024

Autumn Term 2023
Monday 4th September - Friday 15th December 2023
Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September 2023 - INSET Days.  School is closed to students.

Phased Return to School
Wednesday 6th September 2023 - Year 7 and Sixth Form only
Thursday 7th September 2023 - All students in school

Half Term - Monday 23rd October - Friday 27th October 2023
Christmas Holiday - Monday 18th December 2023 to Monday 1st January 2024
Spring Term 2024
Tuesday 2nd January - Thursday 28th March 2024
Tuesday 2nd January 2024 - INSET Day.  School is closed to students.
Half Term - Monday 12th - Friday 16th February 2024
Friday 29th March 2024 - Good Friday Bank Holiday

Easter Holiday - Monday 1st to Friday 12th April 2024

Summer Term 2024
Monday 15th April - Wednesday 24th July 2024
Monday 22nd, Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th July 2024 - INSET Days.  School closed.
Half Term - Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May 2024
Monday 6th May 2024 is a Bank Holiday.  School is closed to students.

Term Dates for 2023/2024 (including INSET Days) - UPDATED

Term Dates for 2024/2025 (including INSET Days and Holidays)

Times of the School Day

8.30 am.      Registration
8.50 am.      Period 1
9.55 am.      Period 2
10.55 am.    Break
11.15 am.    Period 3
12.20 pm.    Period 4
1.20 pm.      Lunch
2.00 pm.      Period 5
3.00 pm.      End of School Day