Attendance and Punctuality

For your son/daughter to succeed in school they need to attend each day. If you decide your son/daughter is too ill to attend school please contact our Attendance Officer on 01460 270139 or via the 'Report Attendance' section in Edulink.  Absence needs to be reported by 8:30 am for each day of absence and an explanation for absence is given. Any absence not reported will be investigated and calls made to parents/ guardians.

Morning registration takes place at 8:30 am, and we expect all students to be punctual. If your son/daughter should arrive late for school they will need to register at Student Services and provide a reason for being late. Persistent lateness is investigated by the Attendance Officer.

In some cases, we may require medical evidence to support the absence. We also work with the Education Welfare Service investigates the attendance of students where we feel attendance is a cause for concern. 

Although we strongly advise against it, if you wish to take your child out of school during the term you will first need to complete a 'Request For Term Time Leave' form. These forms are available from Student Services. We consider each request and will write to you to inform you of our decision to authorise or unauthorise your request.  We would like to remind you that there is no automatic entitlement to take your son/daughter out of school during term time, and you may be liable to receive a Penalty Notice, issued by Somerset County Council if you choose to do so when the holiday has not been authorised by ourselves.