
Wadham School Governors 2023/24

The list of the governors at Wadham School (as of August 2023) is below. 

We have three sub-committees in addition to Full Governors

  • Finance and Resources,
  • Ethos and School Culture
  • Curriculum and Outcomes. 

Each receive reports from the Headteacher concerning relevant school matters and discusses various topics relating to the efficient running of the School.

There is also a Finance Strategy Group that reports to the FGB about financial matters. ​

Minutes are not published to the website but can be requested by emailing the Clerk to the governors via

Wadham School Governors 23/24

Governors Name Position / Committee Chair / Link Subject Start Date End Date
Mr C Chapman Chair of Governors.  Careers & PSHE 06/02/2020 05/02/2028
Mr S R Shepherd Creative Arts 23/05/2019 22/05/2023
Mr A M Jackson    18/11/2021 17/11/2025
(Mrs S Hutter)   (03/12/2021) (06/07/2023)
Dr M G Tutcher Chair of Finance & Resources Committee, Training Governor.  Physical Education 15/02/2022 14/02/2026
Mrs T Woods   21/07/2023 20/07/2027
Elected Parents      
Mrs L Frackiewicz Vice-Chair of Governors, Health & Safety Governor.  Science 04/02/2021 03/02/2025
(Mr J Dyer)   04/02/2021 22/01/2024
Mrs K Hayler Modern Foreign Languages 01/12/2022 30/11/2026
Miss A Burridge   01/02/2024 31/01/2028
Local Authority      
Mr B Jenner-Hurford Maths and Computing 02/02/2023 01/02/2026
Elected Staff      
(Mr H Isack)   (12/02/2020) (29/09/2023)
Ms C Vickery   17/11/2023 16/11/2027
Ex Officio      
(Rev J R Morris)   (18/02/2018) (18/11/2021)
Mrs S Wright Chair of Ethos & Culture Committee, Safeguarding Governor.  English and Languages 03/06/2023 02/06/2027
(Mr M Gardner)   (01/09/2018)


Mr R Burgas   01/09/2022  
Mrs L Andrews Clerk 23/06/2022